Victoria’s Secret Sunglasses VS0023 57A 57
Naiste päikeseprillidThe perfect accessory to upgrade your look, these Victoria’s Secret sunglasses are essential for a fashion-savvy individual. With sleek frames and quality lens, these sunglasses provide UV protection and a stylish finish.
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With their sophisticated, modern design and advanced technology, Victoria's Secret sunglasses offer a refined and distinctive aesthetic. The lenses provide total defence from UVA and UVB rays as well as maximum glare protection, making them the perfect choice for any activity or occasion.
Enamus inimestele on M õige suurus. On väga tõenäoline, et ka Sulle. Et olla kindel, kasuta järgnevat nippi standardsuuruses krediitkaardiga:
Kaart ulatub tunduvalt üle silma.
Kaart ulatub täpselt silma ääreni
Kaart ei ulatu silma ääreni
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